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There are no hidden costs. You pay small fee (3 usd a month is not a big sum even for Russia :)) and you have

unlimited communication with Russian brides

possibility to exchange email with all the ladies listed in our agency

free use of online translator to communicate with ladies who do not know any foreign language

possibility to put your photos in photo rating and receive attention to your profile from thousands Russian women

notification from our special mailer when a girl rated your photo for maximum points (she thinks you are sooo handsome, what do you wait for? - write to her!!!)

many ways to contact the women on the site

ask our psychologist a question and he will help you understand what is happening with your Russian bride or between you

the site that is free ofscammers ( read below about our special anti-scam polity)

seek the advice of professional matchmakers working on the site - managers of the site

online support chat where you can ask your question, ask for help with some problems, learn some information

you will always see who is online today and can answer you immidiately or who was on the site today or very passive and rarely visit the site

If you want to find a girl younger than you for 30 years you very probably won't have success here(even if you have read a lot of articles and a lot of words on Russian dating sites that Russian women prefer much older men, it is not about us, sorry. In our opinion, at present it helps scammers to operate and dating sites have money from men. But it is not true, in most cases.)

If you want to register to have a lot of letters from women , then it is better to do it on a dating site where you pay for each letter that you sent or receive from a lady. There you will have tons of letters each day.
We suggest ladies to write to men, but there are not many Russian brides in fact who can do it, they are used to men being active and they wait for initiative from you.

If you want a site full of girls of model type, blonde, tall, waiting just for you- no, you won't find them here in big numbers, we fight with scammers and we do not open such girls when we see they are scammers(we have a program that helps to find it out). We want to make our site a safe place, communication with a scammer is a fairy tale that finishes in broken hearts and broken hopes. We have only real Russian girls here, girls for marriage, not scammers with models photo.

If you look just for dating, you are married and seek adventures, seek in other places. We work only with girls and clients with serious intentions.

We do not sell contact information of the girls who are in clients of our agency. We are not "mail order brides". We think that this method allows scammers to operate on the site, is difficult to support for men, if you want always to have up-to date information (some girls stop being interested in the service after 1 week of being on the site - find someone or just get disillusioned). This method also in our opinion violates the girls right on safety and anonimity.

Standart Memberships

unlimited time Free

- Post profile for all girls to see
- Possibility to receive letters
- Possibility to send the first letter to girls
- Instant compatibility report
- Detailed Chemistry compatibility report

Silver Memberships

12 months 39,9 USD

- Priority in search before Standart members
- Unlimited communication with Russian girls
- Unlimited sending of postcards, winks, ice-breakers, interactive postcards (Gift-cat)

Gold Memberships

1 month 29,9 USD

3 months 49,9 USD

6 months 79,9 USD

12 months 99,9 USD

- Priority in search before Silver members
- Unlimited communication with Russian girls
- Unlimited sending of postcards, winks, ice-breakers, interactive postcards (Gift-cat)

How to do it

  1. Register to the site, try to put several good photos of you (not made by your mobile) Read an article about photos for Russian dating sties here.

  2. Be active- show yourself as a confident and energetic man as you certainly are. Write letters. The best number is 40-50. It will allow you to see who youare comfortable with, who will be interested in you. Read about your first letter to Russian woman here.

  3. Communicate with several Russian women you like. See if they answer your question, if you are comfortable with them. You won't know what to say with some of them, but you will instantly find some topics with others. Read about compatibility here.

  4. Do not make the communication by letter long. Russian ladies mostly do not like it. They are afaid that it will come to nothing and an Internet love wll never become a real one, but they are seriously minded and want to have a husband, not a penpal. Ask for a telephone number and phone her

  5. If she has children ask her about them, ask her about her pets, about family values. Tell her about your children. Ask important points about family relationship, about children upbringing

  6. If you really like her after telephone calls and letters, if you wait for the time to phone - do not waste time, do not make the time destroy something that began to grow between you- Come to Russia and meet her personally. Live in the hotel , not in her place, let love florish. If you feel that you both want it, you can move to her place from hotel with time.

  7. Try to arrange the next meeting as soon as possible or make arrangements to marry her.

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Easy and comfortable

We have done a big job in order for you to feel comfortable and easy. Don't you know what to start with? Just wink at a girl you like, send her a postcard, an ice-breaker or a "surprise".

Language problems?

Don't you speak Russian and a girl doesn't understand your language? No problems! An in-built translator will help you understand each other.

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are here,
waiting for you.

The scientific search

The professional PI program estimates couple's compatibility by 25 parameters. You will find the results of an express-estimation placed near the photo of each girl and get detailed scientific prognosis of your further relations.

Quick and safe

You do not need to wait for months for girls to reply to you. Find who is online or was today, talk with ladies, find that special one- visit her to see if you are compatible.

We work so that to make the site safe place for you- we do not activate the profiles of scammers and have our special anti-scam program.

1. Determine your requests to your future Russian bride.
Try to understand clearly what you want from your relationship with a Russian woman, your future bride. Set up the priority and choose what is the main criteria of the choice, what you are ready to give in and accept compromise variant. Her profession? The knowledge of your language? Children? Appearance? Something else? In what number should these qualities be present in your bride? Now try to look at this as a whole and think if there are such women at all. Can these qualities be together in one person? Or are they imcompatible?
2. Think what your ideal woman would want from you
Imagine the portraite of "your" woman. Where and how does she live, what is her occupation, and what is she interested in? But the main think is what position a man has in her life and what wants from him, what are her criteria of choice. Are you ready to satisfy the requirements? A girl or a woman has her right, the same as you, to choose. What are you ready to offer to her in exchange for what you want to receive. Some men think that helping a woman to move to their country is enouph to build stable relationship. There are Ukranian and Russian women who will be led by this motive, but do you want to have such a wife? If you see that you requirements are unrealistic return to the first paragraph, make less strict your requirements and imagine a girl with less strict requirements.
3. Create a virtual image for yourself
On the site we communicate with virtual people, created by our imagination from pictures, the profile and letters. Think of an image of a man who will be the most attractive for chosen by you a type of a girl. What is this image? Is it sensous and spontaneous? Energetic and provoking? Serious and neat? Intellectual and romantic? When you create your image make it a person of integrity. Pictures and answers should not contradict each other and support one idea. Variety on distance more often misinforms and puts on guard than attract. Let other your virtues be seen during more personal communication. But do not be over-diligent in creating your "portrait". In spite of artistic stylization it should reflect real and significant part of your "I". Otherwise, during your meeting you will both feel mutual disappointment.
4. Display energy and initiative
There are thousands of profiles online - to wait for a girl who answers your certain criteria can take years. And she can fail other criteria - seriousness, honesty etc. The dating sites are replenished each day. If you like a Russian or Ukrainian girl send a postcard or write a letter or give any other sign of attention. The more ladies you honour with your attention, the more you have chances to find the lady of your dream. Be attentive, talk with her about themes that are interesting to her, ask her about her life. Ask your lady for a telephone number and talk with her on the phone.
5. Do not give up because of failure.
How many women, beautiful and nice, have you met at work, in the streets, at friends? And have not met that only one? Have you met with lack of interest or rudeness? And have not you left a hope for a happy meeting? why then after one unsuccessful attempt of virtual acquaintance on a dating site you think this way to be doomed to failure? The search for your second half is a serious and goal-oriented work. Internet is not a lottery and not a fairy country, where wishes come true by themselves. Internet is a possibility to enlarge a circle of search to the world level. Many of our clients want to find a Russian bride becuase they see happiness of their friends who found a wife in Russia. Ask them how serious they were in this. But what if your search does not result in anything? What if girls do not write to you or you do not like those ladies who write to you? It means that you direct your charm not on the women you want or you selected wrong image. Read this recommendation from beginning and change your profile. The main thing - do not give up!

Unlimited communication with Russian brides

You just pay for subscription: Silver or Gold and it will allow you to have unlimited communication with all Russian brides on the site. You can send letters to all women that catch your interest (the site allows you to use Templates to make it quicker for you to write first letters).

Possibility to exchange email with all the ladies listed in our agency

You can exchange personal information with girls you have communication with. In fact, we think it is best to take a telephone number of your lady in 2 weeks. When you want you can exchange emails with her and communicate on your personal email.

Free use of online translator

Some ladies do not know English or other language, we won't ask you to pay for translation of your letters. You can use online translator on the site for free even if you are not a paying member. This will help you to communicate freely with all Russian girs on the site, without limitation.

Possibility to put your photos in
photo rating
Place your photo to photo rating. Let many girls put marks to it. It will atract their attention to your profile. Look at the photo with highest ranking, can you put better and be the first in the girls' profiles. Rate the girls' pictures, maybe you find your lady there.

Notification from our special mailer
when a girl rated your photo for
maximum points

You will have notification in your mailbox on the site when a girl will put the highest mark to your photo! A good way to begin communicating. Communicate with those who like your appearance. Maybe you have many interest in common.

Ways to contact the women on the site
The site offers many ways to begin contact with Russian women: postcards, winks, ice-breaks, quick messages.
If you want a better percentage of girls answering your messages, send a short letter to them where you write what attracted your attention in their profiles. Be a gentleman!
Advice of a psychologist
Do you want to seek the advice of our psychologist in your relationship with your Russian wife or bride? Or there is just something that worries you and you would like to discuss it, please feel free to ask our psychologist.
Anti-scam program
We have our anti-scam program, that helps us to sift away most sccmmer that pest dating sites.It is a problem of Russian dating that several active criminal groups, acting under different names and pictures discredit all Russian girls and dating. Of course, it is impossible to be 100 percent sure that we do not have them, but our system (subscription) helps us to have good contact with our users and act very promptly.
Online chat
You do not understand something? You want some help? We work individually. You can always come to us to support online chat and talk with the manager and ask your questions. We are always happy to help.
Who is online now
Unlike other sites where you can see only when a girl regisrered (or even do not have even such information) (and I can assure you that it does not tell much! A girl can register today but do not come again to the site for a month or more or do not come again at all, she had been just curious) we put the information when she was the last time on the site. You can write to girls who come regurarly to the site, who are serious and understand that building the relationship need time and devotion. Or you can try to write to a girl whowas some time ago on the site. Nobody could have written to her and she did not come to see her empty mailbox.
How to recognize a scammer?

Unfortunately, Russian scammers become so active the last years that for many the words Russian dating and Russian girls are connected with Russian scamming.

Are all Russian women scammers?

Why do they exist?

The iron curtain was raised in the 90 th and Russian girls become popular. They differed from Western women, from American women.

Some of these differences are just myths, some are quite real.

When Perestroyka has just begun, it seemed that to live in Russia is very dangerous and unstable. You never knew what would happen tomorrow.

People rushed to leave the country. You live one time in your life and nobody wants to have hungry life with unstable future.

It was not easy to leave Russia. The most easy it was for Russian beautiful girls. Russian women have and had highest proiority of family values before career and work, they wanted to have good quiet family life. In Russia women are used to take good care of themselves - be slim, wear mini skirt, do make-up regurarly, be feminine and loyal.

Life in Europe and USA seemed a paradise- prosperous, happy, stable. Many beautiful girls sought for a husband abroad. Some were looking there for love, some were looking just for a way to escape Russia. The last type of girls did not choose, they just agreed to marry almost any man who wanted to marry them. And people are different! They could marry a man 30-40 years older than them. And they just did not look at their future husband as a man with whom they are going to live. Several years later Russian television was full of moaning and complains of these women. They blamed all American and Western men, they warned other Russian girls not to marry them (interesting that in spite of this most of them did not leave their new country and returned to Russia to live).

But the life in Russia has changed and is changing. There are many very expensive cars that you can see in the streets. There are many people that go to rest in resorts of Spain, Jamaika, other places. People in Russia can buy expensive clothes from famous clothes designer.

If a girl wants to sell herself as expensively as possibleand i tdoes not matter to whom, she can do it easily in Russia. When I go by car in the streets of St-Petersburg and see an expensive and rare car, I can say almost for sure that it is driven by a beaituful blonde. These women can find rich boyfriends (usually not husbands) here, especially in big cities, that give them cars, expensive clothes and holdiays in expensive resorts.

Most girls that come to the agency are not looking for the richest buyer.They wamt to find love, and it does not matter for them where. They want to make their chances higher and so apply for international marriage agency. If they find love in Russia, they will marry here, if they find love in USA, then they will move to their husband.

For some girls it matters where they find a husband. They do not want a Russian husband- they think that in Russia men make worse fathers, and less loyal husbands than abroad. They have their right to look for husband outside Russia.

As I say these girls do not look for a way out of Russia, they look for a partner for friendship, sex. support, mutual fidelity and they prefer men less than 10 years older than them(the usual age difference for partners in Russia)..

But some men wants to believe in fairy tales.They think that Russia is so big and sure there is a blond beauty there who is looking for a man just like them. And some marriage agencies with Russian girls and scammer-artists use this myth to get profit. Marriage agencies write on their pages that the big age difference is welcomed by Russian women. some even omit this information in the girls' questionnaries.

We have sites with Russian dating and dating site for disabled people. On the first type fo site Russian scammers register in big numbers, on the sites for disabled Nigerian scammers- men and women register in big numbers. We do not obviously activate their profiles, we have our means to recognize them. Interesting that they have one trait in common. Women usually are 23-30 yo, young, beautiful, wishing to find a partner up to 60 (65). They write eloquently that they are looking just for love, honesty and faithfulness and it does not matter anything else. And men are caught! (Fortunately, only till the time when she will ask for money to come to him, or for money to help her to get out of her problems).

Many men imagine that it is real Russian girls who do it, they do not think about their future, but maybe they will and will change in future.

No, nothing like that. Very often it is companies, where people are taken to work (and salary there are rather big, especially for places far from Moscow and St-Petersburg. It is a shift work, where some people write letters, others talk on the phone, if needed, others take money by Western Union.

They prefer sites like match, yahoo, american singles where they can pay by fraudulent credit card, send as many letters as possible with their emails before they are blocked and work on the men who answered them unhurriedly. Men on these sites know less about Russian scammers, they are easier to work with. But of course, they also register to different Russian dating sites.

But they are not plenty, they have just many names, many faces, many emails, many different sets of pictures.

Other Russian girls work, scammer-artists work on the sites, they do not have any other work. Russian girls choose, they do not agree to any man, it does not matter for scammer-artists not the age, not the nationality of their supposed victim. Only one thing is important if they will be able to make him send them money. Russian women can put not very good pictures, scammer-artists put only the pictures that gather the most number of men (either model pictures of Russian beautiful girls (singers, models and so on) or not professional photos of innocent blondes, the pictures becoming more and more sexy with time. Russian girls do not have a habit to fall in love on the second-third letter and tell about love and honesty all the time. Scammer artists do have such thing in common (it works in the best way with men who are tired from loneliness).

Yes , there are fairy tales in life and you can fall in love with Russian girl who will also fall in love with you. But do not full yourself. Look for beauty in the face, in her eyes, see what she can be, do not follow only girls with model pictures. In life they can be the same as the girls with non professional photos, who look less glamorous on the site but who are more real and open for relationship.

Women online now


Karina 37 y.o.
Kazakhstan Almaty

Lada 38 y.o.
Russia Moscow

Светлана 35 y.o.
Russia Kazan

Людмила 36 y.o.
Russia Yalta

Алёна 37 y.o.
Russia Moscow

Наталья 37 y.o.
Russia Novosibirsk

Why do women register to
the agencies? Why are they
looking for a husband

1. Mostly the reason for Russian girls to register to the sites is to have more chances to find their life partner.

I think, it shows that a girl is really serious about this when she registers to several dating sites. (she can't know beforehand what site is good, what is not. ) . She does not just wait, but she is actively searching by the means that are availabe to her.

For these women it does not matter if they will marry a Russian man or a Western, they just look for love.

2. It is easy to find a boyfriend in Russia, it is diffiuclt to find a husband there. For many women after 30 it is a problem. They can want to have a child, they want stability that marriage here gives, but men prefer to live together but not connect themselves by conjugal ties. Many men do not want to have children, especially the second child. It is an expensive pleasure now in Russia and the government helps families with children very little.

3. Many Russian men are not good fathers and it hurts women. They want to care together for their child, to love, to think. But men in Russia prefer to put all the care on women's shoulders. American men are more caring to their children and not to only their children. A woman can hope that if she marries an American he will be a good father to her child and to their own one or two more children.

4. Life in European or American countries is more stable and predictable than in Russia. It is not the main reason but one of the reasons why Russian beauitfulgirls leave Russia. You get tired of unstability and unpredictability. You want to live and not to worry what you will live on in several years.The standard of living in Russia for many average people is less than in other developed countries.

5. Many women come to the agency after painful divorces. They were hurt and want to leave everything behind and just leave from the "white page". Feel that there will be a man who will love them and care for them, who will allow them to love in return.

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